Anti-Harassment and Positive Workplace Culture


You cannot change workplace culture with check-the-box training.

Workplace sexual harassment training is now required in more than 20 states and the list is growing. Further, the U.S. Supreme Court has stated that for a company to reduce its liability for harassment claims, it must train its employees and supervisors.

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, companies are seeing sexual harassment not only as a legal liability, but as a genuine risk for their reputation and business success.


A 2016 report from the EEOC found that most harassment training is ineffective.

Employers tend to focus on the minimum requirements of the law to avoid being sued. The report called for fostering a more respectful workplace culture, and training to equip bystanders with the tools they need to address inappropriate behavior when they see it.

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MedPower’s course has been developed with employment attorneys and is designed to document compliance and greatly reduce risk.

Uncivil behaviors can often spiral into harassing behaviors. In this way, incivility acts as a “gateway drug,” leading to harassment. MedPower’s Anti-Harassment and Positive Workplace Culture Training incorporates Civility Training and Bystander Training and meets all state and federal requirements. 


Course Outline

  • Skills-based training

  • Tools for responding to inappropriate

  • Distinct modules for supervisors and

  • Recognizing inappropriate conduct

  • Quid pro quo meanings and hostile
    environment harassment with hypotheticals

  • Policies and procedures on sexual harassment

  • How to create a respectful workplace

  • Bystander intervention methods

  • Embracing civility in the workplace

  • What is NOT sexual harassment

  • Retaliation

  • Reporting inappropriate conduct

  • Useful self-assessments

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License Content For Your LMS

By licensing our microlearning content, videos, resources and competencies, you can easily integrate “high-level” training into your current delivery systems including Healthstream, Elsevier, Saba and many more platforms.


Utilize MedPower’s LMS & Mobile App

Using MedPower’s award winning LMS is an easy way to train your entire organization. By using our cloud-hosted LMS and eLearning mobile apps, your employees/trainees can easily access education anytime, anywhere at their convenience. 

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The MedPower Difference

  • Content that is relevant and easy to understand

  • Microlearning content – short, focused videos that are easy to digest

  • Content designed by industry experts and thought leaders

  • Available on multiple devices including phones, tablets and desktops

Our Partner

Melanie L. Glickson, Esq. has spent the past 17 years as an employment lawyer advising companies and defending employers against sexual harassment and other employment-based claims.