Customized eLearning Solutions for Healthcare Organizations

“So what, you just take all of my training materials and post them online? Is that it?”


Actually, the eLearning solutions we create at MedPower are a little more involved than that. We’re not some sort of digital librarian service that simply uploads and logs existing material for you. Instead, we work with you to develop and curate cutting-edge training materials that enable clinicians, physicians, and other staff to access ongoing education materials that are vital to the health and welfare of your organization.

The customized eLearning solutions we create for healthcare organizations are dialed in to the needs of every individual on your staff, as well as serving the needs of the organization itself. Our training modules are presented as organization-branded micro-learning units that include short video clips with screen-capture visuals, emphasizing areas of particular interest and/or importance to all involved.

In today’s world, learning is done while on-the-go, at the touch of a fingertip. Knowing this, our goal is to place ongoing training at the tip of your clinician’s fingers: Customized for multiple devices – on demand, 24/7, 365 – including smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Whether the training involves changes to policies or Electronic Health Record keeping, or to evolving treatment practices, all of your training modules and materials are easily and conveniently accessed through any PC or mobile device.

The MedPower approach to eLearning

From concept to completion, MedPower becomes a key extension of your internal communications team by…

  • Creating training modules specific to your hospital workflow

  • Distributing them to clinicians through secure custom mobile applications

  • Tracking trainee results and performance with advanced analytic programs

At MedPower, we believe that necessary ongoing training for healthcare professionals is most effective when it addresses the rapidly changing world of communication that is impacting all of us today. as a result, our eLearning solutions are practical, simple, and convenient for your entire staff. To aid in this, we leverage three critical data points common to nearly every hospital setting.

  • Only one-third of medical professionals are utilizing EHR technology effectively

  • 50% of all U.S. clinicians use mobile devices to support daily business activities

  • 49% percent of clinicians use mobile technology for education and training

The data are clear. Since your staff is already comfortable in a mobile learning environment, providing them with access to ongoing training through mobile devices makes perfect sense.

For more information on eLearning for clinicians and physicians, and to discover how it can improve the ongoing training of your team, contact the MedPower Team Today.