eLearning – Mobile Training for Health Professionals

For the purposes of this blog post, maximizing patient care is taken as a given.

Beyond that, ongoing training enhances your reputation, while also providing your health care organization with protection from potential liability. However, bringing busy clinicians together for hospital training and ongoing EHR education, in a traditional conference room setting, can be a challenge. What with scattered schedules, combined with the need to pull clinicians away from patients, this type of training is becoming far less practical.

Modern technology comes to the rescue!

While it may be unrealistic to imagine that the need for traditional classroom-style learning can be eliminated, despite the cost involved and the disruption to patient care, it’s becoming increasingly clear that modern technologies offer opportunities for learning that were unimaginable just 10 years ago. In fact, eLearning solutions for clinicians and physicians are easy to use, offer real savings, boosts ROI, improves patient care, reduces doctor stress, and improves data analysis and reporting with real-time reports and tracking.

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For some, eLearning solutions seem “too easy”. Yet, the increased mobility and access to information that may be critically important in a variety of situations makes the value of such training undeniable. Here are just a few of the benefits of eLearning for clinicians and physicians:

  • Increased Access – eLearning is mobile, which places your ongoing training in the hands of your healthcare professionals with, literally, the touch of a button. This type of flexibility allows clinicians on your team convenient access to your training materials, enabling them to study and retain information at their discretion, and within their busy schedules.

  • Versatility & Efficacy – A well-constructed eLearning environment presents materials in a variety of formats, using video, audio, text, worksheets, and even discussion forums that allow users to come together and discuss or share ideas concerning the topics. This can make eLearning for healthcare professionals even more effective than the traditional classroom environment. (See this study by the World Health Organization (WHO), for more on the efficacy of eLearning for health professionals.)

  • Reduce Costs & Boost ROI – While traditional classroom training can be incredibly expensive, eLearning is extremely cost-effective. There is no need to pay for a trainer, or to hire out space for classes. You will also avoid the loss of productivity caused by pulling personnel away from caring for patients for a day or two of training. Instead, productivity remains constant, even as clinicians receive the critical training they need.

  • Build an Ongoing Database – An eLearning system provides a valuable resource for healthcare professionals to access when they need answers, on any subject, at any time, and in any situation. Since the information can so easily be accessed using a laptop, tablet or smartphone, clinicians can find the information they need in even the most demanding of circumstances.

  • Track Training Results – Administrators need to know that their staff are current on all training required, whether to provide the best care possible for their patients or to protect the organization from potential liability. A well-designed eLearning platform will provide real-time tracking and analysis of participation in the training program, enabling and assuring management that the required training is being completed on a timely basis.

If your health care organization would like to improve the ongoing training of your staff – and save money while doing so – exploring the benefits of eLearning for healthcare professionals should become a priority for you.

For more information on eLearning for clinicians and physicians, and to discover how it can improve the ongoing training of your team, contact the MedPower Team today.